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1.  Hardware and Software Requirements
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This chapter lists the minimum hardware and software required to install Sitecore V5.

1.1.  Client Requirements

This section describes the minimum requirements for a Sitecore web client (editorial and development purposes). Clients should at least meet the requirements as set forth by Microsoft and additionally the requirements below.



1.2.  Server Requirements

This section describes the minimum requirements for a Sitecore .NET server installation. A server should at least meet the requirements as set forth by Microsoft and additionally the requirements below.


All the latest upgrades for the operating system and .NET framework (service packs, patches, etc.). 

Antivirus Software

Some antivirus Software can be detrimental to performance of ASP.NET applications (including Sitecore). For this reason, we recommend you to use only those antivirus scanners that are certified for your particular version of Operating System. Please use the link below to search for certified products:


Server Access

You need to install some DLLs on the server in order to use Sitecore. This requires the access right to install custom software on the server. This is straight forward if you have direct access to the server. However, if you use a web hotel you must contact the ISP. Presently Uni2 offers a dedicated Sitecore web hotel.

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